Monday, April 25, 2011

Re-blogged from Fuck Yeah Yoga

8 simple ways we ALL practice yoga.

1.    i pose. (asana)I get on my mat and I strike a pose.  There’s mountain pose, child pose, pigeon pose, happy baby pose, cat pose, lion pose, tree pose, bridge pose, triangle pose, hero pose.  I bend backwards and forwards, I twist and bind, I push + pull, I hold and release, I flex and stretch.  To put it simply, I move my body.

i breathe. (pranayama)Sometimes it’s long and slow.  Other times it’s fast and shallow.  Sometimes I breathe through one nostril and out through the other.  Some days I use my breath to detox and cleanse, other days I use it to cool me down.  But I like it best when it sounds like the ocean and becomes my soundtrack.  To put it simply, I inhale and exhale.

i sense.  (pratyahara)I feel sensations arising from moment to moment.  They can be pleasant or unpleasant.   Either way, my body is communicating with me and I’m finally starting to listen.  I’m learning to trust her, because she’s the one that’s always here in the now.

i focus.  (dharana)I drop the distractions, I clear my mind and I concentrate. I forget about what just happened or what I need to do later.  I drop it all so I can bring my mind to where my body is, the eternal now. 

i observe.  (dhyana)I hold my seat and become the bare witness, the silent observer.  It is here that there is no judgment, no attachment, and no reaction.  I am aware. 

i inquire.  (niyama)I keep an open mind.  I question everything.  I let go and make space for anything that is closer to the truth.  I celebrate the mystery of life and embrace the art of not knowing.  I dance to the beat of my own drum.  I nourish my body and purify my mind.  I indulge in radical self love and ignite my divine spark.  But sometimes I get lost, and that’s totally okay. 

i love. (yama)I open my heart to give and receive.  It’s filled with love, compassion, kindness, equanimity, and truth. Not always, but I’ve seen it many times before.

8.    i bliss out. (samadhi)When all of the above merge together in the exact same moment, magic happens.  I am flooded with love, peace and joy.  I am fully alive and awake.  And most importantly, I remember.

Never squash people's goals and dreams...

Never squash people's goals and dreams...

This is one of my pet hates, when people squash other people's dreams, goals and ambitions, I think it is extremely cruel and illogical.  The only reason I can fathom from  my own experience of people doing it, is that they do it because you are taking risks and achieving more than they have the guts to do, so they decided to pull people down and discourage them, and unfortunately sometimes they succeed, which is really sad :( Don't get me wrong I appreciate a different take on things or pointing out problems that you can then solve, so that you can achieve yours goals easier and have a smoother journey along the way, but all this " Well no one really does them things or you need a lot of money or you need this skill, basically YOU CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE I CAN'T!" attitude is very pointless and mean.

Lol, it's a useless character trait, that achieves nothing for anyone.And it's also been scientifically proven that negative people live shorter lives therefore everyone should try and look on the brighter side of life, and women are perfectly capable of painting exterior doors too lol.


Lisa Mitchell..

A boat instead of a house..

Kelly Marks with Monty Roberts...