Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Oogie Boogie...

Cuz I can...

Thailand trip notes...under construction...

Yoga and rock climbing in Thailand.

£521 pp for 8 days

More climbing and yoga links to check out:

Possibly the best site I have found for travel activities:

Corporate... just because the word keeps erasing itself from my brain...

cor·po·rate  (kôrpr-t, kôrprt)
1. Formed into a corporation; incorporated: the corporate companies of industrial America.
2. Of or relating to a corporation: corporate assets; corporate culture.
3. United or combined into one body; collective: made a corporate effort to finish the job.
4. Of or relating to a corporative government or political system.

[Latin corportus, past participle of corporreto make into a body, from corpus, corpor-body; see kwrep- in Indo-European roots.]

corpo·rate·ly adv.

When I can remember the word I usually use it to describe something that is very straight laced, business like, efficient but lacking any sense of emotion or feeling, this is my own definition lol.

Pregnant women are smug

Read me...Upcycling article....

For my bad neck...

Pilates for legs and thighs..

Pilates with Chris

Lupe castro chair.. upcycling idea...

button chair..upcycling idea..