Monday, April 04, 2011

Nynnie's blogs: interesting and funny.

Maryann Mott
National Geographic News
January 25, 2005

Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras—a hybrid creature that’s part human, part animal.
Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells…
 ”It would deny that there is something distinctive and valuable about human beings that ought to be honored and protected,” said Cohen, who is also the senior research fellow at Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics in Washington, D.C.

Re-blogged from Nynnie's blog, which is on my blog list and has some wicked stuff on :)

This I think is sweet, when I was little I used to daydream about having some kind of animal advantage, like flying like a bird or swimming like a fish.

Art on wheels...

One day I will travel around in my own home on wheels, decorated in whatever style I fancy at the time.

Some of these are wicked camper vans, which you can rent and travel around in, they have quirky and sometimes crude art and quotes on them :) you can find them easily if you google wicked campers.

fringe benefits?

all the various fringes that I find appealing.